You never have to shop for foundation again

You never have to shop for foundation again

Shopping for foundation is up there with shopping for bathing suits. No one really wants to deal with it but it’s a necessary evil. Similar to bathing suits, how many times have you gotten home (or stepped outside) with a new foundation, looked in the mirror and said to yourself, It didn’t look like this in the store. Too many to count, right? Well, thanks to MATCHCo and its modern (mobile!) technology, you may not ever find yourself in this predicament ever again. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Download the app.

Step 2: Calibrate your iPhone or iPad’s camera by tapping your device on white paper. (It took me a few tries to do it correctly but don’t get frustrated, it’s worth the effort!)

Step 3: Tap the phone on your skin where instructed (i.e. forehead, cheeks, inner and outer wrist). Be sure to do this indoors (no direct sunlight), and with clean skin.

Step 4: Enter your credit card, or better yet, use Apple Pay!

Step 5: Anxiously await your customized foundation, which got to me in just 2 days!

The verdict: AMAZING! I’ve been lucky enough to try a few customized foundation services over the past few years, and none of them came even close to the color accuracy of MATCHCo. I really like the formulation, too. It’s sheer but buildable. Not too dewy and not too matte. And it’s hydrating. The coverage was perfect for day when I applied it with a damp BeautyBlender, and I was able to amp it up a bit for evening by using primer and applying with a foundation brush.

Although you don’t get to customize anything but the color, the formulation is oil-free and enhanced with anti-aging and antioxidant ingredients like peptides, green tea, vitamin E, ceramides, bisabolol—and it’s free of parabens, sulfates and phthalates. It’s also non-comedogenic, cruelty-free and dermatologist reviewed.

Would I order this again? Absolutely—and I’ll probably do it for the summer so I have a perfect foundation match for when I’m spending a bit more time in the sun. In case you’re wondering, the cost is $49, which is a small price to pay for knowing that you’ll finally have a foundation that’s a perfect match!

P.S. And they put your name on it!

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