I tried the Drew Barrymore mask that freaked everyone out

I tried the Drew Barrymore mask that freaked everyone out

A few months ago the internet was abuzz when Drew Barrymore posted a photo of herself looking waaaaaay older than she really is. No, it wasn’t makeup for a movie role, it was the Hanacure Multi-Action Treatment Mask, so I obviously had to try it. I placed my order only to discover it was backordered for a few months, but no biggie, my wrinkles aren’t going anywhere.

When it finally arrived I was quite excited—and quite disappointed that the $29 I shelled out was for only ONE application. But, I couldn’t do anything about that so off I went. Per the easy-to-follow instructions, I mixed the serum with the solution, shook it for 20 seconds and then painted it on my face, neck and the backs of my hands with the cute brush that came with the kit. Then I set the timer on my phone for 30 minutes.

Less than 5 minutes in, the intense tightening began. Like couldn’t move my face tight. Like the ponytail my mom made for me when I was 6 tight. I had to avoid my husband because the pulling was so intense I couldn’t move my mouth to talk. (He liked that part.)

After a half-hour I rinsed it off and didn’t see anything major. But the next morning I felt like my skin looked pretty good, especially since I had been getting a lot of sun over the previous few weeks. Truth be told, the jury’s out on this one. It was a fun DIY facial experience, but I can’t really say it was worth the money—or the wait.                

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