A totally different way to enhance wellness
You don’t need me to tell you that concept of “wellness” has become engrained in most of our lives, and we’re paying a lot more attention to the negative effects that stress, lack of sleep, technology and more can have. There are also more ways than ever to get a wellness boost, including foods, drinks, supplements, apps and thanks to Body Vibes, stick-on patches.
Not me, BTW.
Try to stay with me on this one… So this range of energy-conductive adhesive disks is designed to fix what ails you by balancing the body’s natural vibrational frequencies. Similar to how acupuncture works by promoting optimal energy flow throughout the body, Body Vibes stickers emit low-frequency bio-energy at specific wavelengths that have been found to have an impact on anxiety, muscle endurance and recovery, brain focus, mood and more. (If you look at the back, they look like those anti-theft stickers some stores use.) Each sticker is meant to be worn above and to the left of the heart (such as on the upper left arm, back or chest) for 72 hours, and they stay put through showers and working out.
I’ve tried a few types of Body Vibes over the past few weeks, and I can’t even begin to tell you how many people asked me what they were. Some thought they were temporary tattoos my son put on me, some thought they were Band-Aids covering injection sites, and some (including my husband) thought they were just plain silly. But once I actually explained what Body Vibes are designed to do, virtually everyone was intrigued and asked if they worked.
I applied the Power Workout patch (which was part of a limited-edition pack that is sadly no longer available) a few hours before my first Pilates class in a few weeks (thanks to me being sick and then my son being sick) knowing that it would be more challenging than usual. Designed to enhance muscle endurance and aid recovery, I will say that I wasn’t as sore as expected the next day.
Then I tried the Beauty sticker, because who couldn’t use more inner peace and strength, and of course I want to reflect more light and beauty. (And it’s a unicorn.) The effects of this one were little more difficult to assess, but it certainly didn’t hurt!
I’m a big believer in alternative therapies and trying different paths to wellness—and if you’re into giving off and receiving good vibrations, you might want to give Body Vibes a try.