Does this pen look familiar?

Does this pen look familiar?

From Trapper Keepers and erasers to stationary and smelly markers, I’ve always had a thing for school supplies (and Poppin continues to fuel my adult addiction). I have fond memories of that retractable pen with four different colors—you know the one I’m talking about—so I nearly lost it when I saw the Clarins 4-Colour All-in-One Pen when I was at the pop-up shop a few weeks ago. Then low and behold, I found one in my goodie bag when I went through it upon arriving home!


Much more than a trip down memory lane, this pen has your eyes and lips covered (and it saved a lot of room in my makeup bag when I went away last weekend). Each click reveals a different liner, and the limited-edition “Shade 3” I received has a deep rose lipliner (perfect for pairing with lip balm for a light summery look) along with black, plum and aqua eyeliners. If you’re saying to yourself, I don’t need a turquoise eye liner, you may want to reconsider because it’s a great way to create a fun makeup look without going crazy. The plum looks great with just about any eyeshadow, and of course we can all use a basic black.

At $32 you definitely get a lot of bang for your buck—and a bit of nostalgia at the same time!

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Enhance your cleansing without adding to your laundry load

Because your pooch needs shampoo, too

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