How Goop-y are you?

How Goop-y are you?

If I had to rate my Goop-iness on a scale of one to 10, I’d give myself a solid 7.5. I’d happily take just about every piece of clothing (and accessory) GP is shilling on the site, and I find many of the wellness products to be intriguing. (I will pass on the jade eggs, however.) So when I got an email from Goop announcing the debut of the new chews over the weekend, I promptly clicked through.


Joining the ever-growing line of supplements are three varieties of “candies” gear toward helping you sleep (Knock Me Out), boosting immunity (Perfect Attendance) and mental focus (Nerd Alert)—and I feel like I could use all of them. Knock Me Out’s blend of melatonin, tryptophan and vitamin B6 sounds a lot more appealing (and healthier) than the sleeping pills in my medicine cabinet, and I’m thinking the elderberry-infused Perfect Attendance couldn’t hurt after surviving the flu. And since there are never enough hours in a day, Nerd Alert’s caffeine, theanine and nootropics (whatever those may be) might just be what I need to make my work deadlines and have enough time left over to squeeze in an extra Pilates class.

Check them out for yourself, and let me know what you think!

Finally, a foaming cleanser that comforts your skin

Finally, a foaming cleanser that comforts your skin

I don’t think I can resist this eyeshadow palette

I don’t think I can resist this eyeshadow palette