This product helps me go one more day without washing my hair

This product helps me go one more day without washing my hair

I spend a good chunk of my day reading up on the latest beauty news, product launches and (of course) tips and hacks—and I’d say there’s usually one or two stories about how to deal with dirty hair every week. The advice is usually pretty much the same (other than the recommended products), and it goes something like this:

Day 1: Enjoy your squeaky-clean strands
Day 2: Bust out the dry shampoo
Day 3: Dry shampoo if you can, pull hair into a ponytail or bun if you can’t
Day 4: Get creative with a scarf or hat—or just wash it already!

See, this “schedule” doesn’t work for me for two reasons. 1. I don’t have enough hair to pull my hair back without it looking like I’m getting ready to wash my face. (Half-up half-down is even a stretch—and this doesn’t address the back.) 2. I intentionally stick to foils for highlighting my hair (i.e. no base color to lift my natural brown) because I like a rooty look—and when my hair is dirty, there’s even more contrast between the brown and blonde. Slicking this situation back when I’m due for a color is not a pretty picture. (This is one reason I actually like a dry shampoo that leaves a bit of white residue, but I digress…)

I’ve tried a handful of dry shampoo foams, but never really fell in love with any of them because they tend to make my hair fall flat and feel even greasier. But then I tried Unwash’s Volumizing Foam Cleanser—and I just bought myself an extra day before I finally succumb to the real shampoo.


This game-changing product is also beyond easy to use. I put a palm-full in my hand, flip my head over and massage it into my roots all over my head. Once I’m done, I stand up and allow it to dry without touching it—at all. Yes, I look like a crazy person while emptying the dishwasher or folding a load of laundry but being made fun of by my husband and/or son is well worth it. Once I’m ready to get back to my hair, I just rake my fingers through it to create some semblance of a style and that’s it. The texture is amazing, and you should totally try this fabulous foam even if you do have enough length for a ponytail or a bun because it will probably give your hair enough grip to maintain a pulled-back style through Day 5.

And the biggest beauty news of the week is…

And the biggest beauty news of the week is…

This fun brand makes it so easy to enhance your wellness (and your skin)

This fun brand makes it so easy to enhance your wellness (and your skin)