A different way to scent your surroundings
We’re all familiar with those tree-shaped air fresheners for cars, but probably less-than-likely to actually use one. Sure, they provide a certain level of kitsch while masking odors of unknown origin (if you have kids it’s inevitable), yet they aren’t exactly the pinnacle of chic—unless you opt for D.S. & Durga’s elevated version.
Essentially the same concept but a heck of a lot cooler, I actually use one in my closet for a breath of fresh air every time I walk in. Available in “Big Sur After Rain,” “Holy Ficus” and “Portable Fireplace” (I bought all three), they’re ideal for any small space that isn’t conducive for a candle, diffuser or plug-in. You can obviously use them in your car, too—or strap one of those pods on the roof to transport stinky sporting equipment (and tween/teenage boys after practices and games). You’re welcome!