What to do if you over-exfoliate
So Saturday night I felt inclined to do a chemical peel. I busted out the Perfect Image solution I first tried three weeks ago, and after my first totally positive experience I decided to kick it up a notch with an extra layer. I was able to tolerate layer #2 so I figured I could handle a third—but despite my extensive skincare knowledge and expertise, I over-estimated my skin’s resilience. I knew this as soon as I rinsed it off and the skin around my nostrils was on fire. I immediately applied a barrier-repair moisturizer (and it burned like a motherfucker) so I sprung into intensive-care mode.
For the record, this was not the peel’s fault—it was my mine (and I would still recommend this product). About 10 minutes after I rinsed off the peel, I noticed very slight oozing and subsequent crusting (TMI?) around my nose and busted out the big skincare guns. The first product I reached for was my Biafine, which is a French-pharmacy miracle potion I've consistently had on hand for 20 years because it heals anything and everything within 24 hours.
The next morning, I still had some lingering redness in my cheeks and some major issues around my nose. I washed with CeraVe’s super-gentle Hydrating Cream Cleanser, applied Eau Thermale Avene’s 100%-sterile Skin Recovery Cream, and topped with Avene’s Tinted Mineral Fluid SPF 50 (which has sadly been discontinued) because sun exposure even while walking the dog was not a good idea. I’m also using my Zyderma HS Clarifying Cream because of its natural, non-irritating, silver-based antibacterial properties (and to help ward off any subsequent breakouts).
I’m happy to report that after 36 hours of using this combination of cleanser, Biafine and Avene moisturizer, my skin is on the mend (although I’m definitely keeping my routine on the gentle side until everything is back to normal). With that said, other than the healing areas around my nose that feel rough to the touch (which will probably flake off within the next few days), the rest of my face is SUPER smooth.
Mistakes happen, and I’ll never make this one again. Fortunately I was able to handle the situation, but if you ever experience a major skin reaction that you can’t get under control with measures like these, PLEASE call your dermatologist. Tele-medicine is an amazing advance that’s so essential right now, and you can get medical attention (and advice for remedying the problem) without even leaving your house!