Banish breakouts in one quick swipe

If you piled on more makeup than usual for Halloween, post-dress-up pimples are a distinct possibility. The good news is, it only takes a few days to get your skin back on track, and Dr. Dennis Gross’ One Step Acne Eliminating Pads are the way to do it.

These easy-to-use pads address five characteristics of breakouts in one swipe—specifically excess oil, clogged pores, bacteria, dead skin cell buildup and inflammation. Packed with L-carnitine to keep pores clear, pore-minimizing salicylic acid, exfoliating glycolic and lactic acids, plus anti-inflammatory glutathione and powerful ingredients that help lighten discoloration caused by blemishes past, these pads have been found to improve acne by 88% with daily use for 10 days. But you don’t have to wait that long to see the results… These pads start preventing new blemishes from forming and even help flatten existing pimples from the moment you start using them, so what are you waiting for?

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