Help your skincare products work harder

What would you say if I told you there’s a way to make your lotions and potions work better? Even if you think your skin is in tip-top shape thanks to your regimen of serums and creams, if they got even deeper into your skin, they’d do a better job. More product or extra rubbing isn’t going to boost your products’ penetration, but the JeNu Ultrasonic Infuser System will…

This futuristic handheld device gives your skincare a kick in the pants with 365,000 pulses of ultrasound energy PER SECOND. When combined with the MicroSphere Conducting Gel, the vibrations temporarily dilate the pathways into the skin, essentially creating an express lane that increases the absorption of active ingredients. You might feel a little warmth, but that’s about it!

You don’t have to change your skincare regimen with the JeNu. Just go about your application business, place a small amount of Conducting Gel on the device (with a little trial and error you’ll discover just how much you need), and then run the JeNu over your face (or neck or chest) in circular motions. The device shuts off automatically after 60 seconds, at which point you can rest assured that those active ingredients have arrived at their destination.

The before-and-after photos are quite impressive, and you can check them out for yourself here. Just when I thought my bathroom had reached maximum device capacity, I’m thinking I might have to make room for one more…