Pregnant in South Florida? Show your belly some love!

Pregnancy is a crazy thing… Although it’s been just over 7 years since I’ve been “with child,” I remember it like it was yesterday. In my case, my memories aren’t all that fond between the swollen feet, weight gain, fatigue, heartburn—oh yeah, and that week of bed rest. But then again, it was all worth it now that my son is on the outside. But I can’t help but wonder if I would have had a better expectant experience if Belly Love had been around.

This mommy-to-be-haven in Coral Springs is really onto something. Offering pregnancy-friendly (and regular) spa services, 3D/4D ultrasound, acupuncture and a maternity boutique under one roof, Belly Love also has packages that include discounts and a sampling of their services for a monthly fee.

If this isn’t enough to make you feel better while that little person is growing inside you, Belly Love also has a Breast Cancer Awareness connection. Founder Shanna Feldman was diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age herself, so she’s made it her mission to give back. Every Friday in October, anyone who is fighting or has survived breast cancer can receive FREE services—and if you bring a “Breast Friend,” they get 50% off.

So if you’re pregnant, thinking about getting pregnant or know someone who’s pregnant, Belly Love is waiting for you!

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