We're in the midst of a period revolution

We're in the midst of a period revolution

I’m going to skip the personal anecdote today and get right to the point: It’s a whole new world out there when it comes to our periods. Full disclosure: I had a Mirena IUD put in three months after my son was born, so I haven’t gotten my period in almost TEN years—and I still have a package of Always pads and a box of o.b. tampons at the top of my bathroom linen closet to prove it. (Just in case…)

I haven’t been oblivious to the rise of the menstrual cup (which Millennials are apparently crazy about!), and I’m totally up on the latest organic feminine product “memberships” like Rael that ship you menstrual gear based on your cycle. But one thing I can’t wrap my head around is “period panties” like Thinx. So you basically forgo a tampon or pad and just let it flow? Wait, what? I really need someone to explain this to me…

Don’t get me wrong, I’m about as feminist as they come. I think all of our bodies (and what comes out of them as part of the gift that is being able to create life) are beautiful. I just feel like Rip Van Winkle who fell asleep when douche (as in the vaginal cleansing product, not an asshole guy) was a thing, and woke up wearing a “I have my period, YAY!” tee shirt.

Am I alone here?

Two mascaras in one so you can get each and every lash

Two mascaras in one so you can get each and every lash

The sunscreens I'm eyeing for the second half of summer

The sunscreens I'm eyeing for the second half of summer