I swear by this French pharmacy staple

I swear by this French pharmacy staple

I am fully aware that we can buy virtually anything that would be found on the shelves of a French pharmacy thanks to Amazon and other specialty websites—but actually being in a French pharmacy is in experience in and of itself. Unfortunately I don’t get abroad as much as I used to or would like to, so I went a little nuts when I was in St. Barth’s a few summers ago. I’m pretty sure I was ooh-ing and aah-ing out loud (to myself) as I went from aisle to aisle filling up my shopping basket, and one product I purchased multiples of was Biafine Emulsion Cream.


I was first introduced to this miracle cream back in my NYC beauty-editor days, and I will never, ever be without it for the rest of my life. Kind of like Neosporin on chic, French steroids—or like Windex if you’re a fan of My Big Fat Greek Wedding—I put it on any cut, scrape, irritation, blemish and even my entire face in lieu of moisturizer if my skin feels sensitive. It’s THAT good. Somehow it speeds the healing of any boo-boo, and the lightweight texture and delicate scent make a sheer pleasure to use.

I recently stumbled across it on one of my favorite shopping sites, Need Supply Co., which strangely served as reassurance that my love for this product is not unfounded. Although you can probably find it for less money on Amazon, I always worry it may be counterfeit or expired—and since a tube will probably last at least a year, it’s well worth the $50. (Trust me.)

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I caved and bought a Dyson—but it’s not (really) for me

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