Repair and revive damaged hair with the latest from Rita Hazan

If you color, straighten or both, you’re probably no stranger to deep conditioning treatments. In fact, since I went platinum, I’ve actually swapped regular conditioner for the stronger stuff each and every time I wash my hair. But despite all those hydrating oils and extra strengthening ingredients, most deep treatments are simply supercharged conditioners, and they’re not really doing more than providing cosmetic results (i.e. smoothed hair texture and increased shine). Enter Rita Hazan’s much-anticipated launch, Weekly Remedy.

Unlike the other deep conditioners taking up space in your shower, this two-step treatment actually changes your hair’s pH. Step one opens the cuticles and deposits proteins and UV protectors while step 2 seals the cuticles to lock in nutrients, hydrate and preserve color.

Designed for once or twice weekly use (depending on just how fried your hair is), keep an eye out for Weekly Remedy at Rita’s NYC salon, and Ulta in October… I know I’ll be