Smart supplements for dummies — InsiderBeautyBuzz

Smart supplements for dummies

Let’s face it… Supplements can be confusing and the vitamin aisle at the drugstore is overwhelming. And then there’s the fact that creating a supplement cocktail for a specific need or goal can make a major dent in your wallet. But rather than eschewing herbal wellness enhancement altogether, check out BioTerra Herbs and their cheeky offerings.

Formulated with specific conditions in mind (i.e. sleep, snoring, detox, digestion, stress, immunity, vision, mental focus and energy), you can zero in on the one(s) you need in mere seconds—and the cute names (Z-z-z, Shush, Belch, Boing, etc.) make health optimization that much more fun. So needless to say, I was pretty excited when I got a package of gratis goodies so I could try them for myself.

I’ve been taking Energy… Boing for a few weeks now, and my husband will attest that it definitely has me up and at ‘em in the morning, without bouncing off the walls or getting all jittery. Despite being unfamiliar with 60% of the ingredients, this blend of ginseng, astragalus, ophiopogon, schisandra and grass-leaf sweetflag manages to keep me going and I have yet to experience an early afternoon crash. I also received Detox… Ahhh, but my nutritionist advised against taking it right now since my IBS has been worse than usual—but I will definitely try it once things settle down. (Perhaps I should try Belch for digestion.)

Just so you know, all of BioTerra’s supplements are non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan and SAFE, so you don’t have to worry about what’s going in your body. After all, if you’re taking supplements, you obviously already have health on your mind—and with BioTerra Herbs, you don’t need a Ph.D. in anything to find what you and your body are looking for!

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